Healthnetwork Foundation

Your direct connection to the best healthcare

For more than 25 years, the Entrepreneurs’ Organization has been helping members learn and grow as business, community, family and industry leaders. While entrepreneurial growth is at the forefront of everything EO does, equally as important is providing easy access to the resources needed to sustain successful and healthy personal lives. One way EO does this is through the Healthnetwork Foundation, an invaluable tool available to every EO member around the world.

EO members can call Healthnetwork for unparalleled VIP access to more than 30 of the most highly ranked hospitals in the U.S. Healthnetwork’s medical coordinators promptly connect you with the right specialists at the best hospitals. This compassionate care is available for members, their spouses, parents and children. Members outside of the U.S. can also utilize Healthnetwork by seeking an initial diagnosis; expert second-opinion appointment; executive physical; mental health treatment; and customized medical research.

    Video on what Healthnetwork can do for you.